Saturday, August 16, 2014

School Nurse Instructions

I want to provide the outline of our If/Then statements that I sent in to our school nurse.  I tried to be as detailed as possible when writing these, and included symptoms that G has never even had, just in case. This has been copied and pasted from a Word document, so I apologize if the formatting does not work with your interface. 

August 7, 2014

School X Nurse Office
Re: G DOB: xx/xx/xxxx

Upon returning to school, G may have residual symptoms given her recent Posterior Fossa Decompression procedure on July23rd due to her diagnosis of Chiari Type 1 Malformation. Below are a list of symptoms that she may have, and what I request happen if these complaints occur during the school year.


Headache with pain scale of 1-4
·         Lie down for 10 minutes to help alleviate symptoms.
·          If no relief, give 320mg Tylenol.
·         Call Parents if headache lasts longer than 30 minutes.
Headache with pain scale of 5-10
·         Give 320mg Tylenol
·         Advise to lie down
·         Call parents
Pain or Tinging in Extremities
·         Lie down for 10 minutes to help alleviate symptoms.
·         If no relief, call Parents
·         Lie down for 10 minutes to help alleviate symptoms.
·          If no relief, call Parents
Neck pain or stiffness
·         Give 320mg Tylenol
·         Advise to lie down
·         Call parents
Any swelling, pain or discharge at incision site
·         Call parents
Confusion, light headedness,
·         Call parents
Seizure, Dyspnea
·         Call 911
·         Call parents
If she presents to the nurse for any reason
·         If call is not warranted, then please send a note home with details of visit.


Please use the following numbers, in this order to contact parents:

·          555-555-5555

If you do not reach us at the above numbers, please use numbers below:

·          555-555-5555


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