Friday, July 25, 2014

Post Op Day 2

Today has been a bit more rocky. G slept well overnight, but is in more pain today. NS stopped in and commented on the fact that she looked too good yesterday and had expected a small slide backwards today.  We are trying to push food a little harder today, and G has been able to get down some melon and 4 teddy grahams. So far, so good. 

By far, the worst part of the day was when the bandage was taken off. Imagine a 4 inch piece of tape on top of a very sore incision and your hair along the midline of the back of your head. Now imagine yanking that off 2 days after surgery. YIPES! I knew it wasn't going to be pleasant and I was right. It took about 20 minutes to get the pain under control after that. The good part is, that we can see the incision and it looks great. No swelling, puffiness or drainage. 

Physical therapy came in today and was able to talk G into walking down the hallway and back. She was in tears by the end, but was proud of herself for accomplishing her goal. 

Pain meds were changed overnight and then again during the day given the nausea and vomiting. She seems to have moved past these symptoms for the most part but she has continued stomach pain. We hope the more she moves, the better this will become. As of this afternoon, her pain pump has been discontinued and is now taking oral meds. Hopefully she can continue the upward trend of eating.

We have had such an unexpected number of well wishes sent via text, call, FB, smoke signal etc. G is such a loved little girl. If you are a family/friend reading this, please know we appreciate all of your thoughts, prayers and love.

1 comment:

  1. Very much loved!! Hope this is a little setback and lots more recovery to come!!!
