During the last couple of days, G has had an uptick in anxiety. She can see the calendar flying by like I can. So, I had her recount every fear she has and we talked about each one. All were very normal fears for a 7 year old.
· What if a mistake is made during surgery?
· What if I start throwing up?
· What if I wake up during surgery?
· What if they make you and daddy leave me?
We discussed the likelihood of each one and what will be done to prevent them. She knows she has a wonderful surgeon and the hospital is one of the top in the nation. Discussing her fears and the positives made her feel much more at ease. I'm sure we will have this same conversation many times over the next few days to help drive home the "chin up" mentality.
All we can do now is finish up a few projects, and concentrate on having some fun. Her current project is to decide which of her stuffed animals get to go. She only wants to bring the ones that can be easily washed. You know, in case she throws up on them. This made me smile, as this concern had not even hit my radar.
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