Evidently, the two day mark before surgery is when the anxiety hits for parents? At least it does for this parent. The timeframe hasn’t seemed real until I began thinking in terms of “this week”. Up to this point, it has been “next” or “in a few” weeks. It is now a blip of time before we head to the hospital. Sleep has been rare the past two nights, and now I am paying for it. I hope I am tired enough tonight to sleep the whole night. I know Tuesday and Wednesday nights will be very light on sleep. DH and I are being very upbeat about the surgery and outcome. But the gut wrenching What-Ifs inevitably sneak into my mind. We are in a great facility with great staff and physicians. Must. Stay. Focused. On. The. Positives.
Most To-Do items are checked off and only last minute details are left. The outpouring of support has been amazing from our friends and family. Our house and phones have been a line of folks wishing G well and sending their positive messages. For all of this support, we are grateful. It is hard to imagine this journey without a broad support base. We are so very thankful for our family and friends who will be with us in person and spirit this week.
Our Ronald McDonald Wish-List Fulfillment drive has been a great success. My co-workers donated close to 40 pounds of food and cleaning items. And G’s party brought in close to 25 pounds! We are looking forward to dropping the items off when we get there!
Tomorrow will be our 3 hour drive down to the hotel. Then, some food, swimming and fun is in order. Wednesday is the columniation of our past 8 months. MRI is set for the morning, and then surgery at 1pm. Given I work in the healthcare field, I am confident that she will be lucky to get into surgery by 2pm. Earlier cases can push the later cases back and you just never know when the case before you will be completed.
Currently, we are awaiting a call back from the neurosurgeon’s office. There was some sort of mix up and G is not showing on the schedule. Therefore, we are not receiving any further Pre-Op instructions until after they resolve the issue. I am not focusing on this hiccup for two reasons. 1) I can’t do anything to improve their communication process. And 2) I have confidence it was a minor communication break down and it will be remedied soon. Besides, I know the Neurosurgeon, Anesthesia and MRI are all expecting her on Wednesday because I have spoken to each of them in the past 5 days.
Deep breaths, smile and proceed.
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